ESSENCE 2018 is about one of the most prevalent health problems in our societies. ESSENCE affects at least one in ten people across the planet. ESSENCE includes ADHD, autism, intellectual developmental disorder, language disorder, dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder, tic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and reactive attachment disorder. It leads on to a range of health, academic and adjustment problems, including psychiatric disorder, drug abuse, eating disorders and obesity, chronic fatigue and pain disorders, and, in some cases, criminality, accidents and premature death.
Please donate now to help fund further scientific research into ESSENCE disorders.
Who donates?
Over the years we have received kind donations from companies, organisations, members of public, including individuals who have left money in their will.
How to donate?
Donating to the foundation is very straightforward. If you would like to donate money to the foundation the easiest way is to deposit money into the foundation’s bank account at the bank
IBAN: SE8950000000050011047593
Bankgiro: 5957-6504
Account number: 5001 10 475 93
Organisation number: 855100-8793
Address: SEB, 106 40 Stockholm
If you would like to speak to someone at the foundation regarding a donation please feel free to contact us
Address: The Swedish Child Neuropsychiatry Science Foundation, Kungsgatan 12, floor 2, 411 19 Gothenburg, Sweden E-mail anna.spyrou@gnc.gu.se